Hi there! Carolyn McCarter Wood here.
I'm the grateful mom of a daughter who recovered from an eating disorder! I am also a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist.
In my Spoonful of Courage program, I use all that experience to support parents in becoming effective key players in their child's recovery while protecting their own sanity and well-being,

When parents reach out to me they are usually...
When our kids are not OK, we worry. Being scared about our children's health and well-being is natural for parents.
Believe it or not, I want you to be scared--- scared just enough to take the actions needed to help your child.
But not too scared, 'cause when we get too scared we freeze up or lash out, and that doesn't help anyone, right?
Your kid has been lying to you or at least hiding the truth!
They isolate themselves, and you never know which version of them you are going to get!
Sometimes it feels like a stranger has taken over your kid's body and is living in your house!
Everything is hard now! Family meals are a nightmare or gone. Dinners out are impossible. You never know what to say.
And other people say the dumbest things to you 'cause they just don't get it what your family is dealing with!
Everything you do or say to your kid seems to make things worse!
It 's hard to know the best path of treatment for your child. . .
Should you stay out of things and let the therapist and nutritionist handle it? Even though you see your child isn't getting better?
What is the "right" thing to do? And how do you do it when your kid is telling you to butt out?
When we do a good enough job of parenting, our kids will turn out alright, right? Well, not necessarily!
Our kids come wired in certain ways, and there are many factors in this world we can't control.
Let me be clear.... your child's eating disorder is not your fault.
At the same time there are ways you can make it easier or harder for them to get better.
Guilty and Ashamed
What if you...
Felt supported and understood instead of judged and left out?
Could talk with your kid without constant fear of saying the wrong thing?
Were able to stand up to the eating disorder without giving in or blowing your stack?
Were clear instead of confused about your part in your child's recovery?
Understood treatment options (FBT, IOP, PHP...?????) so you felt more confident about your decisions?
Carolyn has provided encouragement when we needed it, perspective when we lacked it, and empathy when we could not find it...She understands the challenges we face and has kept us grounded and focused on the hard work of recovery.
- Parent of a son who is battling anorexia
What parents are saying. . .
What if you could imagine your kid and your family enjoying life like this someday??
Spoonful of Courage can help you get there!

Carolyn offers a wealth of education, wisdom, practical tools and hope for parents supporting their children with eating disorders. Along with expertise in parent coaching, she is loving, warm and authentic in her style. Working with her you will feel supported, less alone in your struggle, and hopeful that recovery is possible for your child and healing is possible for your family.
- Heidi Lynn Andersen, LCMHC, Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, Founder and Therapist at Reclaiming Beauty PLLC
What professionals are saying. . .
♦︎ PRIVATE VIDEO MEETINGS with ME, a mom who has been there and who is an expert in helping teens and young adults recover from anorexia and bulimia
♦︎ACCESS TO ME EVERY WEEKDAY for support and guidance
♦︎COMPREHENSIVE LIST of common treatment terms and options
♦︎ "SAY THIS, NOT THAT" GUIDE to talking with your kid
♦︎ PERSONALIZED TOOLKIT for getting through this journey
so that you can...
✔︎ TAKE CARE OF YOU-- your child's most important ally in recovery
✔︎ FEEL CONFIDENT about your treatment decisions
✔︎ WORK WELL with your child's treatment team
✔︎ HELP YOUR CHILD get the nourishment they need
✔︎ KNOW THE RESEARCH AND SCIENCE on eating disorders
✔︎ TALK WITH YOUR CHILD in ways that help, not hinder, their recovery
✔︎ BE WELL EQUIPPED for the journey that lies ahead

With Spoonful of Courage, you'll get . . .

Carolyn brings to our family a voice of experience- because she has been where we are. She has provided us with compassionate and objective advice at each step of our journey- and has made herself available for questions or concerns that arise in the moment.
- Father of a teen in eating disorder treatment
Why Work with Me?
I always thought of myself as a pretty good parent. So, it came as a shock when my daughter developed an eating disorder before she even hit high school!
It was a long, hard road, and I made about every mistake in the book. But we survived: my hubby and I are still together, and my daughter is a healthy adult with a wedding on the horizon!😁
My family's experience changed my career path. I became an expert in supporting families who are fighting eating disorders, especially anorexia and bulimia.
If you want to learn more about my professional training and experience take a look here. I have helped dozens of families who are facing the same nightmare you are in right now!
I can provide YOU with the help I wish I had received... an expert consultant and guide to support you when you are freaked or discouraged, help you figure out treatment options, and teach you how to support your child and take care of yourself at the same time!
If your child is showing signs of an eating disorder, there's no time to waste!